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Thread: A new "what are you doing in the loading room today" thread

  1. #201
    Brass Trader
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    I worked up some loads for a 250gr Hornady A-Tips. RL-33 was slow and disappointing. Retumbo showed promise. Vihtavoruori N565 shocked me. Seated to marry boat tail to neck/shoulder junction. 250gr A-Tips seated at this point are too long to work in AI CIP mags that are 3.850. Started at 76.0 grains, next was 77.0 grains...78.0 grains....79 grains and 80grains at the end. I did not think I could shoot the 79 grains...much less the 80 grain load....but I showed no pressure at 79 grains...IN MY GUN....and 80 grains showed slight ejector swipe.

    My gun:


    Chambered in: 300PRC
    Action: Defiance Deviant Tactical LA Magnum Bolt Face
    Barrel: Bartlein 28" 30cal 1-9TW
    Brake: APA Lil'B
    Trigger: TriggerTech Diamond Single Stage with flat shoe
    Chassis: MDT ACC
    Scope: Vortex PST Gen2 3-15x44 (Until the ZCO 5-25 gets here)
    Rings: Vortex Pro (until the Spuhr for the ZCO gets here)

    I've been pushing an accuracy load of 225 ELD-M's at around 2931 with an SD of 4.0 that showed to be stupid accurate (10 out of 10) at 1000 yards this past Sunday. Stupid accurate at 1760yds (1mile) 3 out of 5....and the misses were my wind calls...vertical was dead on.

    Here is the data on the above test loads for Vitavoruori may show to be awesome at 1 mile...or it could show that the 250gr A-Tips may be not worth the extra cost over the 225 ELD-M's. The 230's have proven to be very good to a mile as well...and a few weeks ago hit 2500yds.

    But... 250gr A-Tip and N565:


    At the end of the day...I had fun...and that is all that counts

  2. #202
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    Have not done much of anything lately. As much as I love hunting season I will be glad when it closes. When I was working I never thought you could get tired of hunting!

    I have a tub of range brass that needs depriming, sorted and tumbled that I'm just itching to get after. I have between 400 and 500 pounds of wheel weights that needs to be melted and cast into ingots. A buddy that helps me also has a pile of scrap lead about that big laying in my shop floor. And I have a new mold that I'm doing to try out.

    The first year that I was retired I got bored during the winter after hunting season closed. So now I save projects like this for those slow winter months.

  3. #203
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    My oldest Son is helping a Buddy move and offered me a couple tubs of old ammo. Most of it had been wet and was corroded. I've been pulling it down. The bullets will go into my scrap lead pile, the brass into the retired electricians beer fund and the powder will go into the jar of mixed powder that I save to take to deer camp. It makes a neat light show when I toss in into the yard fire at night!

    So far I have found a few that cleaned up good enough to add to my collection.

  4. #204
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    I powder coated the last of the 309-230 bullets I had casted. So now it’s time to cast some more.

    I preordered a lee APP press, which will supposedly ship the end of this month. I submitted yet another form 1 for a .338 cal suppressor. My son is wanting to build a 338 federal AR10, otherwise it would’ve just been .30 cal.

  5. #205
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    Went shooting the 30-30 today...brought home a 40lb bucket of range brass...I've already separated by by caliber...should give me something to do during the Winter.

  6. #206
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    I finally broke down and got a bench mounted APS priming tool, so I mounted that to the bench today. I primed a handful of cases just to try it out, I think it’ll save some hand strain when doing larger lots of 223, 300aac, and 40s&w.

  7. #207
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    A few weeks ago I started gearing up to load for a new to me cartridge, the 41 Magnum. I purchased 1000 new Starline 41 Magnum cases, a Lee case trimmer and enough MTM boxes to hold the loaded rounds.

    A few days ago I started measuring random cases and decided not to trim them. Then I deburred the inside and outside case mouths and started priming them. I just finished the last 700. Now I'm waiting on a bullet mold to arrive!

  8. #208
    Administrator DukeInFlorida's Avatar
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    I have never needed to trim revolver cases. They head space on the thickness of the rim, having nothing to do with length of the brass. A good roll crimp and you'll be all set. And, deburring insides and outsides is also a waste of time, since they will require bell mouthing them anyways.

    It's your brass, however, and you can do with them as you will. My non-trimmed and non-chamfered cases win a lot of competitions. Just my dos centavos worth.

    Administrator - Ammo Brass Trader
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  9. #209
    Brass Trader SafetyJoe's Avatar
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    Yeah, I never trim, deburr or chamfer my revolver brass either. The only thing I occasionally do is deburr the flash holes if I'm testing for accuracy in one of my 357 or 44 mag rifles. I also sort them by head stamp and that makes the lengths pretty close by itself.

  10. #210
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    Made up a few hundred bullets with the lee 312-160 mold, just need to powder coat them and decide if I want to gas check them or not since they’ll probably be loaded subsonic.

    Primed a few hundred blackout cases with the APS bench primer. Once you get it mounted securely it runs very well, only 2 crunched primers out of 400, and those were a crimp issue.

  11. #211
    Brass Trader WarEagleEd's Avatar
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    I began to clean up my little reloading bench, but I didn't get too far as I started too late in the day to accomplish much. I found a couple of hundred pieces of brass of various calibers that I need to deprime.

  12. #212
    Brass Trader SafetyJoe's Avatar
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    I finally figured out this is the new Herter's head stamp.

    Quote Originally Posted by SafetyJoe View Post
    Does anyone know who started using the USA head stamp with a star on either side? I just started seeing them the past several months. It's not Starline or Armscor. It's someone else. I'm guessing it's winchester, but I'm not sure. Anyone know ?

  13. #213
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    Nice....I've been looking around....I bet it was driving you crazy not knowing.

  14. #214
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    I chopped down a bit over 300 223 for 300aac, resized and trimmed another 300ish that I had fired. They’re all in the tumbler now so they’ll be ready to prime on my next set of days off.

    I set up the new lee APP press to try out, it works very well for sizing pistol bullets, and works decently for longer slimmer rifle bullets, but it doesn’t like to feed them. It works well for depriming rifle brass, but for some reason it doesn’t like to feed pistol cases for depriming.

    I’d say it was a decent investment overall.

  15. #215
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    Just finished sorting and depriming the past weekends range brass finds. I was able to add a few items too my trade list. Also sorted a double handful of wheel weights. These were road side rescues that my buddy picked up.

  16. #216
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    I was able to decap about 300 9mm, 300 223 for cleaning and size some 450 BM for cleaning also. I loaded up some 300 blackout with 115 grain frangible bullets. I will go to the range tomorrow and see how they do. Somebody at gun show had 750 of them for 35 dollars.

  17. #217
    Brass Trader
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    I added a little love to my 230gr A-Tips and got the Ammo Novel ready for a shoot on Saturday


  18. #218
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    I took the 300 to range today and shot the 115 frangible bullets loaded over 17.5 grains of Lil Gun and they functioned perfectly except it wouldn't hold open on the last round. I loaded 17.7 and 18 grains and I will try those tomorrow. Looking for some BE-86 powder for the 10mm.

  19. #219
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    I just sorted a quart cup of brass that a friend dropped off. And a quart cup of lead, a mix of wheel weights, fish sinkers and decoy weights that the same friend found. I try to do them as I get them and not get so far behind.

  20. #220
    Administrator DukeInFlorida's Avatar
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    Picked up 285 pounds of LINOTYPE in Jacksonville, FL from a fellow who used to be in the printing biz. It was excess to my needs, so I called the students from my recent Cast Lead Bullets Workshop, and offered it ALL to them at a good price, considering that this stuff is becoming kind of like Unobtanium.

    It was all gone by the time I got off from the 5th phone call.

    I didn't save an ounce of it for myself. Glad I have two lifetimes of it in storage....

    Packing it up to bring it home, and then repackaging it to fill the orders... I was exhausted by the end of it. I was wayyyyyyyyyyyy over the lifting limit my doctor advises.

    Administrator - Ammo Brass Trader
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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check