View Full Version : Brass, bullets,.. All kinds of trade fodder
06-13-2019, 04:50 PM
What I have:
223 WSSM 5 pcs nickel
32 ACP 31 pcs + 5 primed
7.7 Jap brass. Norma. 3 pcs
7.65x53 brass. 4 pcs
30 Carbine 18 pcs
30 Luger (from 357 Sig) 14 pcs
I NEED 9.3x64 Brenneke brass!!
7-08 and 260 brass
I can use the following:
6.5x65 dies (not x55)
180 gr 35 cal spitzer bullets
06-13-2019, 05:23 PM
What calibers are you looking for? I'm interested in the 10mm, 44 mag and 45 colt.
06-14-2019, 05:40 AM
I NEED 9.3x64 Brenneke brass!!
I can use the following:
6.5 x 68 brass
40 & 50 cal plated pistol bullets
180 gr 35 cal spitzer bullets
30 cal 147/150 FMJ plinking bullets
09-07-2019, 01:45 PM
Updated my list
10-05-2019, 09:22 AM
Updated and combined lists
10-28-2019, 10:27 PM
I am interested in:
44mag 61 pcs
30 Carbine 18 pcs
10mm 26 pcs
BULLETS 7.62 CAL 100 Horn 123gr SP
Have 243 to trade.
PM sent.
11-03-2019, 09:05 AM
PM to ya about 243
12-13-2019, 10:27 AM
Updated trades list
04-13-2020, 08:30 AM
I have 257 Form dies, 300 H&H Imp and 358 Norma dies for trade and a 40 cal rifle mold for trade.
I could use 257 AI and 6.5x65 dies.
07-10-2020, 01:14 PM
Independence Day brought shooting joy with the Browning M2HB, so I have 500+ pcs of 50 BMG brass to add to my list.
50 brass - ALL GONE
10-25-2020, 10:20 AM
looking for 308 brass
10-30-2020, 09:17 AM
looking for 308 brass
I've got 180+ pcs MKE 14 headstamp. I think some are FL sized and trimmed, but it may be confusing them with another batch.
Keep in mind these DO NOT say 308 on them. They have the military HS. A previous trader left neutral feedback because the 223 brass that I sent him said 5.56 on it!!
10-30-2020, 02:41 PM
I've got 180+ pcs MKE 14 headstamp. I think some are FL sized and trimmed, but it may be confusing them with another batch.
Keep in mind these DO NOT say 308 on them. They have the military HS. A previous trader left neutral feedback because the 223 brass that I sent him said 5.56 on it!!
have used military brass since the 70's would like the 308's if i have anything listed you would want.
10-30-2020, 09:06 PM
I might be able to use some 22-250, but what dies do you have? The more oddball the better.
10-31-2020, 07:52 AM
right now dont have any dies for trade. well i do have some lee 44 mag dies i would trade after looking again.I have plenty of 22-250 brass to trade.if you like odd ball stuff.used to shoot a XP100 cambered in 7X250 have a lot of that was made from savage 250 and 300 just putting that out there.
10-31-2020, 08:44 AM
22-250 brass will work
1:1 or something else??
10-31-2020, 09:41 AM
1 to 1 sounds ok
10-31-2020, 10:06 AM
PM me a count of how much 308's you would send along with your I can get the 22-250 together.
11-11-2020, 11:56 AM
USPS tracking 9505510997370314299419
11-13-2020, 07:38 PM
22-250 arrived today - Thanx
01-07-2021, 09:51 AM
updated - I'm looking for dies
45 ACP
40 S&W
03-18-2021, 12:10 PM
I have an abundance of once fired deprimed and cleaned 38 special, 357 mag, 44 magnum and 500 S&W (new) brass for trade.
I am looking for 100+ pieces of 243 Winchester brass new or once fired.
Richard Reno
03-18-2021, 12:16 PM
I have an abundance of once fired deprimed and cleaned 38 special, 357 mag, 44 magnum and 500 S&W (new) brass for trade.
I am looking for 100+ pieces of 243 Winchester brass new or once fired.
Richard Reno
03-18-2021, 12:17 PM
I have an abundance of once fired deprimed and cleaned 38 special, 357 mag, 44 magnum and 500 S&W (new) brass for trade.
I am looking for 100+ pieces of 243 Winchester brass new or once fired.
Richard Reno
03-20-2021, 12:21 PM
How many 357?
03-26-2021, 07:23 PM
maybe 1000 pcs
03-28-2021, 09:21 AM
PM coming at ya
11-21-2021, 12:01 PM
updated my list
01-02-2022, 09:18 AM
Updated for the New Year
06-01-2022, 07:48 AM
Updated list. I have dies too, but don't know if I can list them here.
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