View Full Version : My Trades -- SafetyJoe
01-09-2018, 11:19 AM
-- AS OF April 4, 2024 --
I have what is listed below:
(20,000+) 223/556
(1200) Mixed HS 223/556 Good for 300 blk conversion
(600) Federal HS 223 Rem
(600) PMC HS 223 Rem
(600) PSD HS 223 Rem
(600) Winchester HS 223 Rem
(700) 45 ACP LPP Winchester HS
(7,200) 40 S&W Nickel Plated
(500) 32 S&W Long Lapua HS
(80) 45 Win Mag
(24) 30 Remington (converted from 30-30 Win)
(20) 270 Winchester
(19) 45 GAP
(9) 7mm Mauser (ackley improved)
(7) 454 Casull
(6) 460 Rowland
(3) 50 GI
(3) 30 Super Carry
(2) 44 Auto Mag
(2) 308 Marlin Express
(1) 32 ACP
I also have range scrap lead ingots available.
Corn cob shaped and lyman ingots
Lead was fluxed and is very clean
BNH varies, but is plenty hard for handgun bullet casting
I'm wanting to trade these reloadable brass cases. I'm looking for 44 Magnum & boxer primed 7.62x39 brass that are in good condition. Good condition means the brass is not cracked, heavily dented, corroded or tarnished and can be reloaded several times. with that being said, once fired brass is still preferred, but not required.
Unless listed otherwise all my brass has been wet tumbled clean with stainless steel pins. Uncleaned brass will be listed separately.
Some calibers have been sorted by head stamp and those will be listed separately.
Trades should be large enough to use a padded flat rate USPS envelope, but larger trades using a medium or large flat rate USPS box are preferred even more. Some consideration might be made for calibers I don't have much quantity of.
HS is an abbreviation for " Head Stamp "
01-09-2018, 12:23 PM
01-09-2018, 12:24 PM
And you where mad I didn't send you free brass lol.
01-09-2018, 12:39 PM
Nope, I just expected at least a reply to my PM. I saw that you were logged in several times during the day, but you never even gave me the courtesy to reply. That's all I expected and not too much to ask.
And you where mad I didn't send you free brass lol.
01-09-2018, 02:37 PM
Are you trading or selling your brass? I can use 300- 30 carbine, 94-50ae, 300-30-30 WINCHESTER, 400-45acp lpp federal hs. I am looking for a medium flat rate priority box.
I do not have any 7.62x39 to trade you though.
If interested let me know.
01-09-2018, 03:09 PM
Sorry, I'm only looking for trades. What other calibers do you have for trade? Maybe we can work something out since you don't have any 7.62x39 right now. Thanks
Are you trading or selling your brass? I can use 300- 30 carbine, 94-50ae, 300-30-30 WINCHESTER, 400-45acp lpp federal hs. I am looking for a medium flat rate priority box.
I do not have any 7.62x39 to trade you though.
If interested let me know.
01-10-2018, 05:05 PM
private message sent (had to spell it out to get more than 10 characters required)
01-12-2018, 11:00 AM
I have plenty 223, plenty 40s&w, plenty 38 special, 228 357 sig, 8 30-06, 50 45acp small primer to trade..
I can use 300-30 m1 carbine brass, 94 50 ae brass, 300 30-30 brass, and ??federal hs 45 lpp.
All brass has been polished but not deprimed.
01-12-2018, 12:07 PM
Thanks for the offer, but I can't really use any of that stuff aside from adding it to my list to re-trade with other people here. I looked to see if you had posted your own thread, but didn't see it. It can't hurt to create one yourself because that will make it a lot easier for others to see what you have and what you want.
I have plenty 223, plenty 40s&w, plenty 38 special, 228 357 sig, 8 30-06, 50 45acp small primer to trade..
I can use 300-30 m1 carbine brass, 94 50 ae brass, 300 30-30 brass, and ??federal hs 45 lpp.
All brass has been polished but not deprimed.
01-12-2018, 02:21 PM
Actually, on second thought. I might be able to help you with some federal HS lpp 45 acp and 30-30 win, but the 30 carbine and 50 ae I want to hold onto so I can try to use those to get some 7.62x39. I'm sorting out some FC HS 45 acp right now. When I'm done I'll send you a PM about making a trade for your 357 sig and 38 special brass. What's the condition of your 357 sig and 38 special brass? Is it once fired?
I have plenty 223, plenty 40s&w, plenty 38 special, 228 357 sig, 8 30-06, 50 45acp small primer to trade..
I can use 300-30 m1 carbine brass, 94 50 ae brass, 300 30-30 brass, and ??federal hs 45 lpp.
All brass has been polished but not deprimed.
01-14-2018, 01:26 PM
I updated my totals and list of calibers that I'm looking for which now includes 10mm AUTO.
01-15-2018, 12:56 PM
I sent a PM to you with a trade offer using my Federal 45 acp LPP and 30-30 Winchester brass.
I have plenty 223, plenty 40s&w, plenty 38 special, 228 357 sig, 8 30-06, 50 45acp small primer to trade..
I can use 300-30 m1 carbine brass, 94 50 ae brass, 300 30-30 brass, and ??federal hs 45 lpp.
All brass has been polished but not deprimed.
01-16-2018, 06:21 PM
Hello joe::: Here is your tracking number::::::: 9505 5101 4232 8016 0505 60::::::. You should have your package on 1/18/2018. Thanks again. Doug
02-01-2018, 04:04 PM
Thanks everyone. I traded away 50 lbs of my nickel plated stuff and updated my list. Next week I'll update it again with the brass I got in this recent huge trade after I deprime and clean the brass. I'm getting some new calibers, but also adding to some I already have listed.
02-03-2018, 06:18 PM
Hello joe.
I would like to trade for your 45acp federal hs. Looking for 1,000 pieces. What would you like to trade for that?
02-03-2018, 08:43 PM
Yeah, sure we can do another trade for 45 acp federal HS brass again, but not right now. Wait a little while so you get a chance to find something else other than 38 special to trade. Thanks
Hello joe.
I would like to trade for your 45acp federal hs. Looking for 1,000 pieces. What would you like to trade for that?
02-07-2018, 10:51 AM
Hello SafetyJoe. I have 223 mixed hs and 7.62x39 mixed hs for trade. All cleaned but not deprimed although some are.
Looking for 44mag, 357 mag, 50ae, 30 M1 Carbine, 30-30, 45 acp federal lpp.
Sound interesting? I hope your big trade went well.
02-07-2018, 01:21 PM
Yeah, my big trade went really well. I just finished de-priming everything and wet tumbling everything. The 270, 30-06 and 243 that I'm going to size have been lubed and I'm getting ready to size them. After that's done and the lube is tumbled off I'll separate them by head stamp and add those to my list along with the many other calibers I got in the trade, but aren't going to size just because I don't have the die for those calibers.
As far as making another trade with you that's fine, but I already have a 55 gal drum full of 223 that I haven't gone through yet so I'm not really interested in taking on anymore of that caliber right now, but the 7.62x39 you have I might be interested in as long as they are not berdan primed. In this last big trade I did get 121 more pieces of 50 AE, but I haven't updated my list to reflect those new ones yet, but the total count should be 215 now. I'll probably finish going through everything and update my list this weekend or early next week. I'm also going to update my list of calibers I'm looking for to include a few that a friend wants which are 6.5 grendel, 45 GAP and 25 acp.
Hello SafetyJoe. I have 223 mixed hs and 7.62x39 mixed hs for trade. All cleaned but not deprimed although some are.
Looking for 44mag, 357 mag, 50ae, 30 M1 Carbine, 30-30, 45 acp federal lpp.
Sound interesting? I hope your big trade went well.
02-08-2018, 10:41 AM
Hello joe. My 7.62x39 is boxer brass and not the crappy berdan primed steel cases. When we do another trade
i would like to do the trade pound per pound if that works for you. I have all my brass in seal a meal bags. I
thought it might make it easier instead of counting each piece of brass. Medium size priority flat rate box is
what i am thinking of sending. Ok by you?
02-08-2018, 01:21 PM
I'm not too sure if I like the idea of trading pound for pound because some calibers have a much higher value than others. If we were only trading stuff like 9mm and 40 S&W then it might be a good idea. I'm a little too OCD about some things and counting brass is one of them.
EDIT: However, none of that is to say weighing brass to determine the approximate count is a bad idea. I did that to the 45 acp and 380 acp brass I have that's listed. I just don't think trading based 1 lb of brass for 1 lb of brass will always be fair.
Hello joe. My 7.62x39 is boxer brass and not the crappy berdan primed steel cases. When we do another trade i would like to do the trade pound per pound if that works for you. I have all my brass in seal a meal bags. I thought it might make it easier instead of counting each piece of brass. Medium size priority flat rate box is what i am thinking of sending. Ok by you?
02-10-2018, 08:23 AM
Would you trade me 200 nickel plated .357 mag for 150 10mm?
02-10-2018, 09:38 AM
Yeah sure, but that isn't very much so the shipping charges make too big of a difference. Why don't you wait until I update my list in a few days because you might see something else you'll want along with the 357 mag which might be enough to make it worth the shipping. Thanks
Would you trade me 200 nickel plated .357 mag for 150 10mm?
02-11-2018, 12:18 PM
i'm not too sure if i like the idea of trading pound for pound because some calibers have a much higher value than others. If we were only trading stuff like 9mm and 40 s&w then it might be a good idea. I'm a little too ocd about some things and counting brass is one of them.
Edit: However, none of that is to say weighing brass to determine the approximate count is a bad idea. I did that to the 45 acp and 380 acp brass i have that's listed. I just don't think trading based 1 lb of brass for 1 lb of brass will always be fair.
Hey Joe. I have several hundred 7.62x39 boxer primed polished brass to trade for your 50ae and 30 carbine for starters. Not that steel russian berdan primed stuff. I might want some 44 mag and 357 mag if you still have some.
How does one for one trade for your brass against my 7.62x39 sound to you?
02-11-2018, 06:28 PM
Yeah that might be fine. I'm a little busy right now so my updated list will take another day or two. Be careful with the brass 7.62x39 because some of that stuff is still berdan primed even though it's not steel cased.
Hey Joe. I have several hundred 7.62x39 boxer primed polished brass to trade for your 50ae and 30 carbine for starters. Not that steel russian berdan primed stuff. I might want some 44 mag and 357 mag if you still have some.
How does one for one trade for your brass against my 7.62x39 sound to you?
02-12-2018, 08:14 AM
How many HXP 30-06 cases do you have with the same year headstamp?
02-12-2018, 11:34 AM
Not sure, but I'll check today
How many HXP 30-06 cases do you have with the same year headstamp?
02-12-2018, 02:00 PM
51 pieces of 30-06 HXP from 1977. The #2 most common I have is 15 pieces from 1978
How many HXP 30-06 cases do you have with the same year headstamp?
02-12-2018, 07:31 PM
Okay, I finally updated my list even though I still have a few others to add. Namely some more 303 British, 300 Savage, nickel plated 357 mag and a few others, but I'll do that in a few days after I finish wet tumbling and counting them after they are dry.
04-23-2018, 08:49 PM
Added some 223 brass to my list.
04-24-2018, 06:31 AM
I want to make a deal for your 51 pieces of Greek HXP 30-06 marked 77. I want all your 7.7 Jap. and all your .44 special. I have 7.62X539 and 10mm to trade, PM Me if u=interested.
07-10-2018, 11:06 PM
I updated my totals
07-13-2018, 02:07 PM
Well, I have a crappile of 10mm Auto, brass and Nickel plated. I am interested in your 7.7 Jap and .303 Brit. PM me with a trade ratio.
08-20-2018, 04:21 PM
Updated my totals and list of things I want.
12-23-2018, 01:16 PM
I updated my totals and list of calibers I want.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.
12-24-2018, 04:14 PM
I have an RCBS Turret press that I want to part with. Not a lot on your list that I can use. Got any AI or other wildcat dies ?? Scopes? Dan Wesson 357 or 44 barrels??
12-24-2018, 04:38 PM
I have an RCBS Turret press that I want to part with. Not a lot on your list that I can use. Got any AI or other wildcat dies ?? Scopes? Dan Wesson 357 or 44 barrels??
Nope, sorry. Don't have much of anything like that. Thanks for the consideration. I'm actually leaning more towards the new 8 station turret press from lyman anyway. Merry Christmas
01-15-2019, 02:11 PM
I updated my list with some uncleaned brass that will probably end up getting wet tumbled clean soon.
I have the following listed else where plus several sets of dies for sale and some brass [300 0r 400 nickle 380 brass] plus others. If any of this is of intrest to you let me know and we'll work something out. I'm having a hard time with PM and other stuff on here so if you want you can E=mail me.
RCBS 375 expander die=
RCBS 40-65 Win. expander die=
Unknow .454 expander die=
Lyman bullet sizing dies for sizer/ luber;
01-15-2019, 08:01 PM
What brass on my list are you interested in for the nickel plated 380 acp you have? I'm only looking for that nickel 380 acp for a friend so it's not something I personally want to buy. Plus selling anything on this site isn't allowed last time I checked, but I'm open to hearing your trade offers.
I have the following listed else where plus several sets of dies for sale and some brass [300 0r 400 nickle 380 brass] plus others. If any of this is of intrest to you let me know and we'll work something out. I'm having a hard time with PM and other stuff on here so if you want you can E=mail me.
Was not trying to sell, just let you know what I have, if interested I will trade. Will get back to you with count of 380 and what I'm looking for. Also have list of brass I have posted on forum.
I mhave 300+ nickel 380 brass. interested in 121 7.62X38R negant revolver, 6 35 REm. and 48 300 savage
01-17-2019, 09:34 AM
Thanks for the offer, but nickel 380 acp aren't worth that much to me.
I mhave 300+ nickel 380 brass. interested in 121 7.62X38R negant revolver, 6 35 REm. and 48 300 savage
anything else on my list you might be interested in?
01-17-2019, 01:19 PM
45-70, 10mm and 327 fed mag
anything else on my list you might be interested in?
01-18-2019, 10:09 PM
I have an RCBS Turret press I would part with. I would be interested in the:
250 Savage
ALL of the 223.
You're still a little short - what else do ya have? Dies? Reamers? Barrels? Other Parts... Even an old Mauser action
01-18-2019, 10:17 PM
Thanks, but I'm actually planning on trying the new lyman all american 8 station turret press instead of the RCBS.
I have an RCBS Turret press I would part with. I would be interested in the:
250 Savage
ALL of the 223.
You're still a little short - what else do ya have? Dies? Reamers? Barrels? Other Parts...
01-28-2019, 12:42 PM
I had a excellent experience trading with safety Joe.
01-28-2019, 10:14 PM
added 10,000+ Lake City HS 556
02-12-2019, 10:31 PM
Finished sorting all my 223 brass. Took me a couple months because it was around 50,000 pcs. I added a few to the list like Hornady, Frontier and Norma.
03-17-2019, 08:45 PM
I updated my list of wants.
04-02-2019, 08:51 AM
I'm now also looking for berdan primed brass casings in military calibers. I'm willing to trade some of my 9mm brass for them.
Examples of possible berdan primed brass casings in military calibers are listed below.
308 (7.62 NATO)
8x57 Mauser
7x57 Mauser
.303 British
7.62x38 Nagant
7.62x25 Tokarev
.30 Luger
.30 Mauser
7.65x53 Argentine
7.5 French
7.5 Swiss
7.7 Jap
6.5 Jap
6.5 Carcano
8mm Nambu
05-23-2019, 07:38 AM
I updated my list
05-24-2019, 08:18 AM
Just a reminder, this is a brass TRADING site. TRADES ONLY.
Anyone attempting to use this site to sell brass will be warned, have their post(s) removed, and then (if there are further infractions) eliminated from the site altogether.
If you want to sell brass, I suggest that you seek out our sister site, ( , there the selling of brass is allowed (presuming that certain conditions are met.)
Are you trading or selling your brass? I can use 300- 30 carbine, 94-50ae, 300-30-30 WINCHESTER, 400-45acp lpp federal hs. I am looking for a medium flat rate priority box.
I do not have any 7.62x39 to trade you though.
If interested let me know.
06-23-2019, 01:12 PM
Joe, are we on for the 10mm and 44 for the 6.5 CM?
07-27-2019, 04:48 PM
I have some 44 mag and some 10mm and a 35/200gr mold. Interested in your 7 and 8 Mauser if boxer primed.
10-28-2019, 10:42 PM
I'm intested in:
(113) 45 Colt
(107) 7.62x54R Boxer primed
(17) 35 Remington
I have 44 mag to trade, and some 8mm mauser and 303 brit berdan also.
PM sent.
10-31-2019, 06:23 PM
I'm interested in the 22-250 brass that you may be able to provide.
Could I interest you in some 30-06 Springfield brass, or some 44 Rem Mag brass?
I have ample of both. If so, how many do you have and how many do you want?
I hope we can make an exchange. Thanks,
12-18-2019, 06:02 PM
I finished updating my list and added 357 sig to the calibers I'm looking for along with a few others.
12-28-2019, 10:45 AM
Management follows all posts, and SELLING is not allowed here.
Hope that's clear enough
03-31-2020, 02:02 PM
Updated my list.
I have a lot of 380 acp brass I wish I could get rid of.
05-22-2020, 01:04 PM
I finally decided against reloading 10mm so I added to my list the 10mm brass I've accumulated over the past few years. Non of the brass was ever reloaded by myself.
I never ended up buying any guns chambered in 10mm and because I already load 400 corbon I don't really see a need to start reloading 10mm. So that's why I'm wanting to trade away the 10mm brass I've accumulated.
05-23-2020, 08:21 PM
I sorted the 10mm by head stamp
06-08-2020, 05:35 AM
Thank you so much. Great job
06-08-2020, 09:45 AM
No, problem. You're welcome
Thank you so much. Great job
08-08-2020, 03:44 PM
I updated my list of totals and added some bullets to my list.
10-14-2020, 01:30 PM
I added some 223 brass to my list
(- edit - Sorry all the 223 brass is gone now. )
10-16-2020, 08:46 PM
I have what is listed below:
(2500) 380 ACP
(1500) 9mm Mixed HS
(1210) 45 ACP Small Primer
(1000) 40 S&W
(67) 222 Remington
(52) 22 Hornet
(28) 45 Colt
(20) 204 Ruger
(12) 454 Casull
(12) 500 S&W Special
(4) 460 Rowland
(3307) 10mm AUTO
(407) 38 Super
(323) 30 Carbine
(150) 32 ACP
(125) 30-30 Win
(105) 30-06 SPRG
(53) 222 Remington
(48) 45 G.A.P.
(46) 38 S&W Short
(42) 270 Win
(41) 303 British
(39) 7mm-08
(38) 30-30 Win Nickel Plated
(26) 7.62x25mm Tokarev boxer primed
(17) 30 Mauser
(14) 38 Long Colt
(12) 308 Marlin Express
(12) 9x21mm
(10) 7.62x38mmR boxer primed
(10) 300 H&H MAG
(8) 300 Win Mag
(7) 8mm Mauser
(6) 243 Win
(6) 6.8 SPC
(4) 9mm Makarov
(4) 32 S&W Long
(2) 45-70 GOVT
(1) 460 S&W Mag
(1) 35 Remington
(1) 7mm Mauser
(1) 7.62X54r
(1) 22 TCM
---- Head Stamps Listed Below ----
(734) 10MM CBC HS
(428) 10MM S&B HS
(343) 10MM Sig HS
(341) 10MM Federal NT HS
(316) 10MM Hornady HS
(267) 10MM X-Treme HS
(251) 10MM Armscor HS
(117) 10MM Winchester HS
(103) 10MM PMC HS
(101) 10MM Blazer HS
(89) 10MM PPU HS
(78) 10MM Underwood HS
(47) 10MM Nickel Plated Mixed HS
(34) 10MM Herter's HS
(32) 10MM Misc HS
(26) 10MM Starline HS
I'm wanting to trade these reloadable brass cases. I'm looking for 44 Magnum & boxer primed 7.62x39 brass that are in good condition. Good condition means the brass is not cracked, heavily dented, corroded or tarnished and can be reloaded several times. With that being said, once fired brass is still preferred.
Most of my brass has been deprimed and wet tumbled clean with stainless steel pins. Uncleaned brass or brass that hasn't been deprimed will be listed separately.
Some calibers have been sorted by head stamp. Lists of head stamps will be at the bottom.
Trades should be large enough to use a padded flat rate USPS envelope, but larger trades using a medium or large flat rate USPS box are preferred even more. Some consideration might be made for calibers I don't have much quantity of.
HS is an abbreviation for " Head Stamp "
I have 44 mag brass.I am looking for 45 long colt
10-16-2020, 08:49 PM
I have 44 mag brass.I am looking for 45 long colt
also would like 22 hornet could use some hornady 10mm.How about a trade.I have 190 rds of the 44 mag brass at least 100 are once firied also have a good number of 7.62x39
01-23-2021, 07:08 PM
Updated my totals
03-17-2021, 06:29 PM
I added some 45 acp to my list
03-18-2021, 12:08 PM
I have an abundance of once fired deprimed and cleaned 38 special, 357 mag, 44 magnum and 500 S&W (new) brass for trade.
I am looking for 100+ pieces of 243 Winchester brass new or once fired.
Richard Reno
03-18-2021, 12:15 PM
I have an abundance of once fired deprimed and cleaned 38 special, 357 mag, 44 magnum and 500 S&W (new) brass for trade.
I am looking for 100+ pieces of 243 Winchester brass new or once fired.
Richard Reno
03-26-2021, 07:33 PM
I'm interested in your 243 brass unsized. if sized then not interested
03-28-2021, 08:52 PM
I don't have any 243 brass right now. Sorry
I'm interested in your 243 brass unsized. if sized then not interested
05-24-2021, 01:51 PM
I updated my list and will be adding some 223, 9mm, 380 acp, 45 acp and a few 45 Colt soon. I just need to finish wet tumbling them clean and sorting / inspecting them.
06-21-2021, 04:28 PM
Hi SafetyJoe,
I have some larger Berdan primed 7.62 x 54r, brass that I saw you posting for back in 2019. I have about 1 of the larger USPS boxes that are either still with their original primers, some deprimed with the cam over claw punch but it was dinging the center brass anvil. If you are interested in some level of swapping .40 cal brass or even the small primered .45 acp, let me know.
P.S. I will start watching this site closer, but it may be a 1-2 day reply lapse.
06-21-2021, 08:52 PM
Yeah, sorry I can't use those anymore. I used to know someone who loaded dummy rounds for military museums, but he's no longer doing that anymore.
Hi SafetyJoe,
I have some larger Berdan primed 7.62 x 54r, brass that I saw you posting for back in 2019. I have about 1 of the larger USPS boxes that are either still with their original primers, some deprimed with the cam over claw punch but it was dinging the center brass anvil. If you are interested in some level of swapping .40 cal brass or even the small primered .45 acp, let me know.
P.S. I will start watching this site closer, but it may be a 1-2 day reply lapse.
06-24-2021, 08:25 AM
OK, thanks. It was a long-shot.
07-13-2021, 04:15 PM
I updated my list. Added a bunch of 308 win.
07-21-2021, 06:48 PM
For a short time I'm considering accepting other calibers like 38/357 mag for trades. However, the trade ratio will be leaning in my favor because I already have a lot of 38/357 mag brass. So if there's something on my list you want and you're sitting on a bunch of 38/357 mag brass that you don't want maybe we can work something out for a trade.
Thank you
08-11-2021, 03:24 PM
Not sure if this forum is still going. I have some 44mag, 38 super auto, 40s&w. Willing to trade for 45acp....
08-11-2021, 05:36 PM
Sorry, all my 45 acp is gone. I can let you know when I get more though.
Not sure if this forum is still going. I have some 44mag, 38 super auto, 40s&w. Willing to trade for 45acp....
01-13-2022, 11:27 AM
I updated my list. I still have more, but they haven't been cleaned yet.
01-23-2022, 08:43 AM
Updated my list. Added some like 257 roberts, 30-30 win, 270win, 30-06, 10mm, 8mm mauser, 6.5x55mm, 30 carbine and a few others.
02-11-2022, 06:33 AM
I'm considering adding some lake city 556 and range scrap lead ingots to my list of stuff I have to trade.
02-14-2022, 05:53 PM
To the top
02-14-2022, 07:04 PM
I think I changed my mind about the lake city brass. I might hold onto it for a while longer. I managed to get rid of all my cleaned 9mm brass and some 308 win, 40sw, 35 rem, 7.62x54r, 7mm-08 and 30-30 win along with a few others. When the weather starts getting better I have several buckets full of 9mm, 223 rem and 45acp brass I'll wet tumble clean and set out in the sun to dry.
02-14-2022, 11:08 PM
That should keep busy for awhile.
02-16-2022, 11:57 AM
Got rid of some 308, but I still have lots.
02-17-2022, 08:52 AM
I also have range scrap lead ingots available.
Corn cob shaped and lyman ingots
Lead was fluxed and is very clean
BNH varies, but is plenty hard for handgun bullet casting
02-24-2022, 06:23 AM
Got rid of all the WCC, WRA and WMA head stamped 308 brass. I still have many other HS available though.
03-09-2022, 06:05 PM
Just got rid of 3000 pcs of 308 winchester
03-11-2022, 05:42 AM
Added some cleaned & sized 38 special
04-07-2022, 08:33 PM
I have 44 mag, 38 special and 357 mag brass to trade for 243 brass or lead ingots.
04-10-2022, 02:50 PM
Are you still looking for 7.62x39?? Have any 338 Win Mag?
04-11-2022, 08:55 AM
Yeah, I'm always looking for more 7.62x39 brass, but I don't have any 338 Win Mag to trade. Sorry
Are you still looking for 7.62x39?? Have any 338 Win Mag?
04-11-2022, 09:01 AM
I sent you a private message.
I have 44 mag, 38 special and 357 mag brass to trade for 243 brass or lead ingots.
07-05-2022, 02:42 PM
I updated my list. Only thing left to do is sort through the 45acp and 223/556 brass by head stamp and/or primer size.
12-29-2022, 06:41 PM
I updated my list of totals today. I still have 3 barrels of cleaned 223/556 brass to sort through. That should keep me busy this winter.
Hi Joe, I am interested in you new Win. 38-55 and/or your 130 used Win. 38-55. I have new WW Super 44 mag bras, once fired FC nickel 45-70 brass. I have other used brass if you are looking for something.
Thanks, Don
12-30-2022, 12:15 PM
Hi Joe, I am interested in you new Win. 38-55 and/or your 130 used Win. 38-55. I have new WW Super 44 mag bras, once fired FC nickel 45-70 brass. I have other used brass if you are looking for something.
Thanks, Don
I just sent you a private message.
10-30-2023, 11:08 AM
I added some 6.5cm brass to my list along with some new unfired brass and a few others.
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