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02-20-2014, 03:38 PM
Sometimes my faith in mankind gets a lift. Had to go to the VA in Biloxi and get a biopsy of my thyroid gland. Everything was going well. I even had a doctor that really seemed to care there, possibly a VA first. He took the time to explain exactly what they were going to do, why I needed it done, consequences of all poosibilities after analyzing the cells he took. The procedure took longer to prep me than to do, and it actually got done at my appointment time.

So far, so good. Anyways they told me I could not drive home alone before I went, so I brought mom to drive back. I asked her if she wanted to go in my car or hers. She doesn't like driving mine so she picked hers. Well when we started I looked at her gas gauge and it had less than a 1/4 tank, but I figured fine, we have enough to get in Biloxi, and the gas is about 10 cents a gallon cheaper there. Anyways we walk into the VA, I stop and drain the bladder, and come out. Mom says where's my purse? I said you don't have it, she says no. No big deal I say, you must have left it in the car. We do what I had to get done, quick and (almost) painless). Still cannot figure out why they did not want me to drive. But we get back to car, and no purse. I tell her I don't even remember her bringing it, and she says well maybe I didn't. Not enough coffee boost that morning. Anyways I say don't worry, I'll fill up the car since it was a trip for me, anyways. Pull into gas station, I got out of car and reach for wallet to get out debit card. No wallet, I go OMG, I had changed coats because I took my nook reader and the jacket I wore had a nice inner pocket the thing fits in. Transferred everything into other coat EXCEPT my wallet. So here we are, sitting with a car with an empty gas tank about 65 miles from home, no money. So I tell her I have my debit card number memorized, maybe they can manually punch them in somehow. Clerk so no dice, he has no way to do it. Bummer, I walk back out to car and were scraping the floor trying to find any loose change, anything to get a little gas in, enought to make it home. While were doing this some black young man walks up, I'm like PLEASE, do not beg us for any gas money. He says, my girlfriend heard you left your wallet home in the store, and he pulls out a bug wad of cash, pulls out a 20, and says, here. We're like flabbergasted. She keeps trying to get him to give us his address so we can give the money back to us, he's like no, it's just a blessing to help. We finally talk him into just giving us 10, and write his address down. He even walks back into the store and prepays the 10 bucks. Why he's doing that his girlfriend walks out to thweir truck, so I grab her, tell her thanks for caring, and to make sure her man knows how much we appreciate what he did.

Sort of a good day, bad day. Anyways got home, stuffed a 10 in an envelope, and mailed it back to him as soon as we got home.

Where we found her purse, and my wallet.

02-20-2014, 09:13 PM
It's always a good thing to get the (too) rare renewal of faith in humanity.

02-21-2014, 06:58 AM
There are still some good folks out there!!


02-22-2014, 08:15 PM
Thank you for sharing a wonderful story.

Like they say....


R.Ph. 380
02-24-2014, 08:47 PM
I had more fun one day, confounding a young black woman who was loud, noisy and putting down all the white elderly customers we had in the pharmacy crackers, useless old white people, etc...etc...It came her turn at the cash register and her boy friend's credit card would not clear with the $29.00 charge. I came up behind my technician and said here use this and gave her a cash card I had gotten as a refund on another day. Told the young loudmouth to have a nice day and walked off with her mouth hanging open. Gave me a good feeling all day, whenever I thought about it. Much more than $29.00 worth of shut-up. It also got the pharmacy back on a quieter and more caring attitude. Well worth it.


03-02-2014, 07:12 AM
there are still some good people out there, not just the useless, air wasting, head in their smart phone ,complaining about everything majority

03-02-2014, 09:04 PM
I usually find things exactly where I left them. The only problem is that I don't always remember where I left them.:rolleyes: I'm glad you found those two important items right there in your house.


03-02-2014, 09:17 PM
nothing like an attack of CRS (can't remember----------stuff) just before a long drive. but the angels were lookin out for you :)

03-03-2014, 06:25 AM
I usually find things exactly where I left them. The only problem is that I don't always remember where I left them.:rolleyes: I'm glad you found those two important items right there in your house.

I have a bit the opposite problem. I put stuff away where I will remember them, then forget where.

But I'm getting OLD!:rolleyes: