I finally broke out my new Thumler's Rotary Tumbler. I have enough brass to clean thanks to a few people here and at ammobrasstrader who knew all about my fight with cancer, and the bad bad aftereffects that stopped me from going to the range and getting more brass. They kindly donated lots of brass to me, and I thank them deeply. The instructions for the tumbler are like 95% about rock polishing, and only very little about brass cleaning. Every source I see says to get Lemi-Shine detergent booster to add to the cleaning mix, and of course, not knowing that, I had none. The rest seems pretty straightforward. 1/8 teaspoon of Lemi-Shine, couple drops of Dawn, water, and cases. When done drain the water from the drum, separate the steel media which can be re-used over and over, rinse cases and dry. I mean everywhere I look you supposedly get cases starting like this, and ending up like this. Found a place that had a big sale on the Lemi-Shine, so as soon as I get it, run the first batch. I'll keep this updated as I go.
And the primer pockets are supposed to get clean, too!