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Thread: A new "what are you doing in the loading room today" thread

  1. #41
    Brass Trader WarEagleEd's Avatar
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    I was out of the country for a while and am now back home. I'm unboxing some things that I bought online while I was away. This morning (because I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep) I unboxed the RCBS APS hand primer and APS strip loader that I purchased off of ebay a couple of months ago. There were no instructions included in either item (though they both have their original boxes), but these can be downloaded from the RCBS website.

  2. #42
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    I tried the super swage and didn’t like it. I don’t separate by headstamp, so I would overswage some and underswage others. Since switching to a Lyman reamer and cordless drill I haven’t had any issues and it’s probably just as fast.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by WarEagleEd View Post
    I was out of the country for a while and am now back home. I'm unboxing some things that I bought online while I was away. This morning (because I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep) I unboxed the RCBS APS hand primer and APS strip loader that I purchased off of ebay a couple of months ago. There were no instructions included in either item (though they both have their original boxes), but these can be downloaded from the RCBS website.
    I think you’ll like the strips, so much easier to guarantee they’re not upside down or sideways.

  4. #44
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    Just started sorting through 2 boxes of range brass that a buddy dropped off. Each box is about the size of a medium flat rate box and a lot of it looks to be rifle brass. So, I have something to do next week when it turns cold again!

  5. #45
    Brass Trader WarEagleEd's Avatar
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    Unboxed a new Redding T7 turret press that I bought from Brownells back in the first part of December. They had it on sale for $249.99 and free shipping on orders over $49. The press is quite hefty. It came with a VihtaVuori, Western, and basic Hodgdon reloading guide. Whenever I get the chance I'll set it up on my bench and try it out.

  6. #46
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    Just finished sorting 2 medium flat rate size boxes of brass. Deprimed and tumbled a load for a trade.

  7. #47
    Brass Trader Pacomdiver's Avatar
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    i bought the dillon 600 swager about 6 years ago, i used it for about 100 cases just for testing a new load, then tried to prime them, some primers fell out after seating. thats when i reread the instructions that you have to seperate brass by stamp, so back in the box it went and sent to the shelf of denial. got the rcbs press swager and havent looked back. i just found it last week transfering stuff from my old multiple benches to my new monster bench

  8. #48
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    I thought I was the only one that didn't care for the Dillon tool. A buddy was borrowing a tool from me for a while and he also preferred my RCBS tool over the Dillon. Most of the time I use a 45º counter sink and a cordless drill.

  9. #49
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    Well...the weather man says a high of 6F today here in N. KY.....and I think we hit that already...with a low of -1F...wind chills around -40F or so....if I'm not mistaken...that is about perfect weather to pour some lead. Probably crank out some 300BO, 45ACP, 40S&W, 9mm projectiles and powder coat them...and maybe drop some 224 cores....see if I can get through 100lbs of lead today before I get bored/tired.

    Oh..and I won't be directly outdoors doing this...and definitely not in the wind...I'm sure the propane heater and blower and lead pot will keep me warm enough.

  10. #50
    Brass Trader WarEagleEd's Avatar
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    I fooled around with the APS hand primer to see how it functions. I discovered that the strips only go in one way, if the tool is going to function properly. I also discovered that the small primer plug was not included nor the little tool necessary to remove one plug and install the other. I called RCBS and they are sending me the missing parts for free even though I told them that I had purchased the priming tool used. I have finally had an opportunity to experience that legendary RCBS customer service and I was not displeased.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by WarEagleEd View Post
    I have finally had an opportunity to experience that legendary RCBS customer service and I was not displeased.
    I had a pack of strips that wouldn’t properly hold primers, maybe 4 of 8 strips were bad, they sent me a whole new pack of 8 strips.

    As far as the strips being directional, mine has a sticker that shows the feed direction (“female” end first).

    Over the last couple weeks I loaded up the last of my .40 cal xtreme bullets, deprimed/reamed and tumbled all of my 223/5.56, and deprimed the rest of my 300aac.

    Tweaked the loadmaster and got it running pretty smoothly. It’s not a bad machine, but some of the additional features are a bit wonky, like the case feeder and priming system (I hand prime off press, so that’s not an issue).overall it’s not too bad for the $100 I spent on it.
    Last edited by Mbaker78; 02-02-2019 at 02:40 PM.

  12. #52
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    Planning on resizing a batch of 9mm brass, about 800 or so. Probably run a few batches of rifle brass through the tumbler before the Super Bowl game.

  13. #53
    Brass Trader Pacomdiver's Avatar
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    im gonna size at least 1k of the lee 120 tc that i have cast up so far, more if i dont get tired and maybe powder coat them

  14. #54
    Brass Trader Pacomdiver's Avatar
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    i sized a whole #10 can full of the 120 tc bullets to 356, and powder coated about 1100 of them, still have about 550 left to coat

  15. #55
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    Today, I arrived at a place I haven't been at in over 10 years. I finished loading about 300 5.56, 12 9mm, 10 45ACP, and 1 8mm Mauser.....and now I have ZERO brass available for reloading. I mailed out my last available trade today and don't even have anything to trade at the moment...however...I guess I'll take down some 270Win, 338WM, and 44spl to have some brass and bullets to trade.

  16. #56
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    I just acquired 2 20mm ammo cans of odd 9mm brass that I'll start depriming and tumbling. I expect that there will be 380's and 9X18's mixed in as well. This should keep me off the streets for a while!

  17. #57
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    Its 22º here this morning so I'll probably build a fire for Mama and the Cat and retire to the loading room to size and lube the 45-70 bullets that I cast Wednesday. I started depriming 2 20mm ammo cans of 9mm yesterday and may start tumbling those after while.

  18. #58
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    I have a dedicated turret for depriming for the loadmaster for pistol calibers, so I can just dump a bunch in the case collator and give it a shake to fill the tubes and start cranking away. Then they go into the tumbler before being hand primed for a final trip through the loadmaster.

    I did 500 or so 40s&w and 250 or so 45acp in pretty short order once I got the bugs worked out of the press.

    As for what I’ve done lately, nothing, been working and trying to stay warm and dry. Hopefully soon I can get some electric set up in the garage to try casting some bullets for 40.
    Last edited by Mbaker78; 02-08-2019 at 03:11 PM.

  19. #59
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    Pulling bullets on some Winchester SUperX Win270...with the 150gr soft things hold 56.8 grains of what I suspect is their WinMag proprietary powder....that is a lot of powder in that case.

  20. #60
    Brass Trader Pacomdiver's Avatar
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    im dedicating one of the work benches that i had my reloading stuff at to casting, i have the lead pot and other stuff including the molds on the shelf. i put a dryer vent thru the wall and got a 6in duct fan to suck the fumes from the lead pot outside

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check